Case Studies

Case Study One

Creating a Deliberate Team Culture


Every team possesses a culture, which is either created by default or by design. A default team culture reflects the team's maturity, seasoning, and leadership. On the other hand, a designed team culture reflects the team leader's deliberate effort to instill their values, goals, and tone.


Beginning with the team leader and a blank canvas, we encourage a process to define the values, objectives, and team culture that the leader wants to establish as the norm for his/her team. This process of articulation requires the leader to enhance their self-awareness of what type of leader they currently are and what they aspire to become. Once these values are captured and expressed at approximately 75%, the team is brought into the process for buy-in and to shape the final 25%.


A deliberate team culture is established, reflecting the values and objectives of the Leadership Team.

Abstract image. Coach Gary Senna partners with clients to create deliberate team cultures.

Case Study Two

Career Advancement - Playing to your Strengths


Often in life, we're advised to shore up our weaknesses, assuming our strengths will naturally develop. However, a strength-based approach suggests the opposite. It advises us to focus the majority of our time on our strengths. While it's important to address our weaknesses, we should primarily play to our strengths and let them flourish.


A brief ADP assessment is created, highlighting the leader's top two strengths out of nine possible ones. By thoroughly analyzing this standout report, the leader can shift workload duties and responsibilities to leverage these strengths and compensate for any weaknesses.


By establishing your strengths as a baseline, your career decisions, choices, and directions become clearer. They provide the guardrails for your optimal success.

Abstract image. Coach Garry Senna partners with clients to help them attain career advancement by playing to their strengths.

Case Study Three

Crisis Management - Leading Your Team Through Crisis


Call it a crisis or a never-ending series of fire drills, leadership involves managing often complex crises that are inherently unpredictable. It is incumbent upon the leader to provide authentic leadership to guide the team through these moments. The journey of leadership can often be lonely, so during these times, the leader may need a seasoned outside person to help process the situation.


By creating a safe space for the leader to process the myriad of decisions faced during a crisis, leadership traits and patterns emerge separate from the emotions of the moment. By finding the leader's 'footing' during a time of crisis, he/she can effectively reason from a strategic position, even amidst crisis management.


The team has the confidence to trust and follow the leader amidst the crisis, building confidence that extends well beyond the current crisis.

Abstract image. Coach Garry Senna partners with clients in crisis management.

Case Study Four

Upgrading Your Leadership Skills


You've landed your dream job and are striving to excel. Each new leadership role requires an upgrade in both your people and communication skills. As a team leader, you have an intuitive sense of the correct paths to success but often struggle to articulate that 'end game vision' into a sequential pattern for your team to follow. Working with a seasoned coach can help map those visionary results to a practical plan. This makes it easier to articulate your vision and get your team on board.


Creating a safe, judgment-free space for the leader to express intuitive team ideas not only helps define the "why" of your leadership, but also provides the clarity needed to effectively guide your team along your leadership journey.


Your self-confidence and clear vision can serve as an inspirational baseline for your team. This helps them become the high-performing team you envision, benefiting not only their personal careers but also your leadership exposure.

Abstract image. Coach Garry Senna partners with clients to develop their leadership skills.

Case Study Five

How and when to make a Career Pivot


You've been in your current role for a few years and are starting to feel restless and unchallenged. You're falling into patterns that you don't enjoy. Could it be time for a career pivot? In basketball, "pivoting" means keeping one foot stationary while moving the other foot in any direction. In life, however, recognizing when to pivot can be challenging. As we grow as leaders, our dreams and aspirations evolve. Could it be time for you to make a career pivot to reach your goals.


A brief ADP assessment is developed, highlighting a leader's top two strengths out of nine possible ones. By thoroughly analyzing this standout report, the leader can begin to explore potential options and stretch assignments to reignite their excitement, passion, and curiosity.


A clear purpose, along with potential next steps drawn from a renewed sense of passion and 'aliveness', opens up genuine exploration of what your next career pivot could be.

Abstract image. Coach Garry Senna partners with clients when making career pivots.